Pika Evolutions

5 min readMar 1, 2022

The story of the Perky Pikas is set in the Pikaverse: a 2D top down game in the artstyle of Pokemon/Zelda. Dotted around the Pikaverse are ‘circles of knowledge’: sources of ancient wisdom where once lost skills may be re-acquired. This is how the first pikas learnt to fight, to mine, to craft items and dream about the future like never before.

Some of these circles carried with them the coding for life itself: the various forms that nature embodies. They could channel the inner potential of a pika and make it become more than one could ever imagine. Legend has it that the first evolution happened by chance: a mischievous baby pika, just learning to walk, stumbled into a stone circle by chance and was transformed. The rest is fate as the saying goes. Potential is at its greatest during infancy it seems…


  • Evolutions require a baby pika NFT as an input
  • The only source of baby pika NFTs are through the breeding of two parents (an in game house is also required — obtainable through a Pika key)
  • Breeding cycles will be around 4–6 weeks. You will receive one baby pika per 2 adults and one key that you own
  • Evolutions will have in game utility: initially as ‘mounts’ that you can ride on. They will impact your in game stats such as attack, defence, speed etc
  • Rarity impacts both in game stats and the form of the evolution. Rarer baby pikas evolve into rarer forms.
  • LEAF coin is required for all rarity upgrades and evolutions
  • You can increase the rarity of your baby pika through rarity upgrading
  • Chance is introduced into evolutions through ‘tiers’. Tiers range from S-E and influence in game statistics
  • Fusion will be available in future

Impact of Rarity

Rarity has a direct impact on the final form of the evolution. The higher the rarity, the stronger the form of the evolved pika. When calculating rarity we use a points based system as outlined in the table below. Each trait is awarded a points tally according to rarity and these are all added to give an overall rarity score.

The rarity score is then grouped into four categories: common, uncommon, rare and legendary. When you evolve the baby pika, the evolution form it takes will be dependent on which category it fits within:

For example, a ‘common’ evolution will result in one of the horse mounts as shown below. This specifically is the ‘Orange’ horse mount: which takes its form from the Orange skin trait. There are horse mounts also for the black, grey and white pika skins among others! Each form has its use in game through stat boosts: some will have higher attack, others defense, speed or carrying capacity. Certain combinations of evolutionary forms will be able to evolve again through fusion: increasing the rarity and stats. But that is a topic for another day!

Rarity Tiers

One of our aims is to create an evolution system which has high replayability. We intend to do this not only through a number of evolutionary forms and fusion but also through a tier system which introduces chance into the process.

Tiers range from S (the best) to E (the worst). An S tier evolution will have the best in game stats, which will diminish as you drop further down the tiers. The table below displays the probabilities for the evolution rarity and tier outcomes. As the rarity of the baby pika increases the possible trait band outcomes reduces and the likelihood of a higher tier evolution increases.

There are two indicators of the tier on the card itself: the tier box and the colour of the card.


Trait Upgrading

The rarity of the baby pika you receive during the breeding cycle is completely random. The rarity of the adult pika has no bearing on the baby.

You may be fortunate enough to receive a rare baby pika (or even a 1 of 1 which has maxed out rarity). Should this not be the case, you can increase the rarity of the baby pika through trait upgrading.

To upgrade trait rarities, you can raise a request through our wiki: https://perkypika.notion.site/Upgrade-Rarity-a9c299240a844377b4b2f3b575f60b31

You can select which trait you want to upgrade and what trait specifically you want to upgrade it to (the example above upgrades the skin trait from a common ‘brown’ skin to a legendary ‘robot’ trait). The cost for upgrading is covered below. The cost of upgrading is in LEAF coin: our native coin which can be earned through staking, and community engagement such as with our twitter account or discord.




1111 unique Pikas hopping on the Solana Blockchain. We are an evolving lore based NFT collection centered around building a 2D top down play to earn game.